
Sunday, December 30, 2018


The Laws of Life The Mystery of Life's Purpose At some point in each individual's life on Earth they undoubtedly and eventually come around to question their purpose for existing. The basis of this profound question usually begins with thoughts centered around- the reason why am I here, and my purpose in what appears as an experiential journey through this mystery we call life. Many of us have experienced these seemingly bizarre moments of life in which we find ourselves reaching for answers to help solidify our existence permitting us to feel as though we are not building our lives on sifting sand. Although these moments in life allow for a conscious awakening that demands our attention, they are often masked or shrouded throughout our lives as momentous events. It does not always happen this way because many apparently mundane moments within our lives carry the seed of questions yet unanswered- and if we look closely, profound answers are lovingly contained in those special moments of time. Having exposed in a previous article, Timewave Zero the premise that our universe and all within it is being sourced continuously from the same fountain of life through cycles, it surely makes plausible sense to conclude certain natural laws of life govern our existence and could very well offer solace in a turbulent sea of life's questions. It is through the proper understanding and personal application of these "Laws of Life" that enable us to live life fully in the moment appreciating the journey of life right where we find ourselves at any given moment, in the Now. However, it must be added, we still live in a delicate world that requires of us to plan for a future while co-existing in the moment. Could these well defined universal Laws of Life help us better understand life's mysteries while at the same time provide a solid foundation upon which we can receive direction and answers? In short, the answer is yes! By applying a level of understanding and reliance upon these laws of unwavering reliability we may soon find ourselves aligned with powerful forces which conspire to lift our lives higher up the ladder of joy. If we could accept that all possibilities exist in the present moment and remain focused in the Now of life, consciously allowing the Laws of Life to freely operate through us, we would soon recognize that we are in a co-created world which we have personal responsibility for bringing into existence. It is through these simple Laws that we are building a new Earth as we become receptive to our ultimate purpose for life itself. We are powerful co-creators and life is our school and playground too. The Power of the Four Laws of Life I would concede there are many Laws of Life; however in this post we will turn our focus only upon four important master laws that birth all the others. Given that all life within the universe of creation is encapsulated within the boundaries established by certain laws, some known and some of these we are just starting to unravel and comprehend.There are four basic, universal laws of utmost value for human life and these are the one we shall address. It is through our understanding and application of the wisdom contained within these four Laws of Life that will determine our experiences we will entertain throughout or lives. During our lives many of our questions arise through the awareness of the very contrasts that exist having been created by the choices we made. Some of these experiences are on an individual basis while others can be experienced by the entirety of those on Earth. Our collective (or individual) reaction to events which create our life experience are needed thus enabling us by way of contrast between various experiences to question what it is we then want to experience. Combine life's cyclic movement and how we experience it with understanding the four Laws of Life- The Law of Love, The Law of Gratitude, The Law of Cause & Effect and The Law of Attraction you find many of life's poised questions and formerly out-of-reach answers become vividly obvious. Before we get into each of the Laws, it would be good to know that these laws are immutable and one cannot "break" them in the process of life here as we operate within the parameters of Free-Will. You may by choice either consciously or unconsciously turn against any of these fundamental Laws of Life and your life experience would reveal that something was "amiss", essentially out of balanced alignment. If your course in life was not adjusted through the questioning/answer process we all go through, your subsequent experiences would become more amplified while the essence of your life experience would remain the same. We have all heard the question phrased this way: "Why does this always happen to me?" Read on to discover the nature of these four Laws of Life and how to recognize their individual signatures in your life. Upon gaining a more thorough understanding of how they permeate all facets of our lives, we become internally empowered to co-create our own lives, and indeed our world at the same time through the infinite power residing in these Laws of Life. The Law of Love It is often said and conceptualized that "God is Love". In the scale of humanities expression of this concept, for now it, falls dismally short and understandably so. Our human reflection of this first Law of Life- The Law of Love can be a very difficult one to express in such a way to foster a genuine flow of this all encompassing power. Generally, human expression of Love is often limited and in the worst case, conditional. I'm not trying to convey human love in all its beauty and shortcomings but rather the first source of the Law of Love that empowers us by attempting to express love through a filtered, human perspective. While we may feel like love is a by-product created by something that is precipitated by an external influence, in truth, we embody the Law of Love by allowing Unconditional Love to forever flow through us. This powerful Law is never removed from our access, only by not allowing does it appear lost. It is only through this understanding or at least recognizing this limitless source of Unconditional Love is the originating source of our human expression of Love. "Unconditional Love is the Law of Love" Like all the Laws, Unconditional Love is pure energy and is present throughout the entire universe from the greatest to the least of creation. The Law of Love is the building block which binds all of creation together and we in human form can either allow or disallow it to be active in our lives. When you allow the Law of Love to govern your actions you have become unattached to preconceived or forced outcomes having released your will and allowed acceptance of what already is. The Law of Love binds all of us together by unifying opposites into one; and when we apply this truth the false human condition of perceiving everything as separate from us falls away opening our hearts allowing the Law of Love to freely operate. By practicing an open heart especially in situations needing resolution that seem utterly impossible to overcome, all of a sudden they are transformed by the Law of Love. The Law of Love teaches us we cannot experience utter joy while holding onto resistance through non-acceptance of our experiences. Letting go allows the Law of Love to flow and offers answers to those difficult questions of life. The Law of Love- Its part magic and part energy science. "Unconditional Love is the only truth everything else is an illusion" The Law of Gratitude Much like the Law of Love, the Law of Gratitude exists as a by-product of having an open heart. This Law is the key to unlock greater well-being and abundance in your life. One great reason for allowing the Law of Gratitude to flow in your life is because it will promotes endorphin chemicals to be released within the body affecting every cell promoting feelings of optimism, relaxation and happiness. By your body releasing endorphins, simultaneously stress hormones called cortisol and norepinephrine decrease rapidly. That alone could be reason enough to daily apply the Law of Gratitude; feel great and automatically become healthier! Further abundance comes from the assurance of knowing you are an important part of expressing gratitude, so have compassion on yourself and acknowledge your greatness. If you focus on the personal gifts you have been given along with other points of gratitude, you cannot help but notice that it's impossible to contemplate negative emotions at the same time. To understand gratitude is to comprehend opposites since this is how the most powerful, beneficial effects are experienced. This Law is often expressed as an "attitude of the mind" and that is true to a degree. Actually, the Law of Gratitude is initiated from the heart then our mind follows adding imagery to the momentum reminding us of more to be grateful for if we will allow the process to unfold. We sometimes misunderstand the real meaning of gratitude and its expression simply because we again need an opposite or opposing viewpoint to posses the ability to identify that which we are grateful for. It is commonplace for most of the population to identify what is absent in their lives rather than go deliberately in the opposite direction into a treasure chest full objects worthy of appreciation, thankfulness and ultimately reflect gratitude for each. For example, by recognizing the absence of something you appreciate, you bring a defining clarity that easily produces gratefulness for its existence- no matter what or where the object is, physical or non-physical. Even thoughts can remind us of the Law of Gratitude at work in addition to the more common sources- those outward, visible objects of appreciation or thankfulness. By a conscious and deliberate daily practice of the Law of Gratitude brings us into a renewed optimism and appreciation for all of life while banishing the power robbing opposites of fear, anger and other negative emotions. Every acknowledgment of gratitude for what you have is rewarded by awareness of more to be grateful for and anything you want in your life originates by the law of Gratitude. Your choice should be clear, allow the Law of Gratitude to flow more abundance of joy into your life. The Law of Cause & Effect This is one of the most misunderstood Laws of Life due to the belief that all events are predestined to transpire as a result of some previous action. It is true from the standpoint of action-reaction that expectations of future events should come to fruition if no alternative adjustments are made, simply because the root cause was set in motion. A belief that even if root causes are altered by a future event, they cannot alter one's destiny can lead to fatalism whereby you resign that all is predestined and alteration is impossible. This is an error and is to be avoided in the mind as it has no basis in how this law operates. The Law of Cause and Effect also known in the Buddhist doctrine as karma, ascribes that an individual's present condition is a reflection previous life choices and these decisions could even encompass many past lifetimes of accumulation. In Hebrew doctrine this is expressed as a generational curse and in some way is related to parental DNA inheritance. It important to note regardless of doctrine, we have the power to override any possible predispositions through our current actions and emotional/mental state. Therein lays the beauty of the Law of Cause and Effect. One of the best ways to allow this powerful trans-formative law to flow through your life is to apply the Golden Rule seeded into your heart. Doing so from the perspective that not only will you personally benefit greatly, but also the world around you will as well. Karma or, the Law of Cause and Effect can carry a bit of foreboding if ignored because if abused, time will take its toll surfacing into events and the scales of life will become balanced. Again, the accumulation of past deeds only instigates the flow of this energy and it is malleable. This forceful energy exists in both polarities and is experienced as what could be deemed as positive or negative actions-reactions. "As you sow, so shall you reap" This law's application is easily practiced when we deliberately aspire to give away that which we seek for ourselves. Whatever form of energy we radiate regardless whether they consist of thought-forms or physical actions, the Universe responds accordingly. This is because- that which is like unto itself is drawn forth into existence. So, consider your thoughts and following actions. Much in the same way the Law of Gratitude operates, if you want more of anything like love, friendship, good health etc. give these away from an open heart and watch as the Universe responds in kind. When this law is firmly rooted into your being through you heart you need not be concerned to police your thoughts as this process soon becomes automatic just like breathing. As most of us primarily exist in the 3rd dimensional Universe, we need not overly concern ourselves that the Law of Cause and Effect response time is immediate. Fortunately for now, there is a delayed response; however, you may begin to notice as you set this law into motion that your awareness can jump quickly and you begin to notice its effects are sometimes near instantaneously occurring in your life as well as others. When this is observed, know that you are receiving information from the 4th dimensional realm. To experiment with this law at an observational level, pay close attention to events that are now transpiring on Earth. Pick any category- politics, economics, social changes, geophysical changes etc. all these are exponentially unfolding at an ever increasing repetitive pace. These action-reaction events can in many ways be associated with cyclic action playing out through the Law of Cause and Effect. For the purpose of life's direction regarding the power and influence of the Law of Cause and Effect, one should come into agreement that we are through our willpower, are an active, interconnected participant and what we do in fact causes a ripple in the pond of life and the lives of others. As you build your own experiential evidence you become acutely aware of this law's power because whatever you believe becomes your truth and that sets in motion elements of your life displayed and played out through the Law of Cause and Effect. The Law of Attraction I suspect that nearly anyone who has a passing interest in self improvement or is driven in the hope to find the magic "potion" or "spell" to live a specific life, has encountered the basic idea of the Law of Attraction. It is no shock that a whole industry has arisen attempting to cash-in financially with the ever expanding popularity of this subject. If this is what it takes to help some of us come to the realization that we each are endowed with the power to transform and actually co-create or world, then this is a great beginning. This Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus your attention on with a higher degree of emotional energy and do not have a conflicting opposite thought on the subject, that energy will amass to the point where the essence of the desire will establish itself in your life. It could also be summarize as- That which is like unto itself is drawn. There is an ever expanding knowledge-base derived from quantum theory that affirms the validity in the fundamental aspects of this law. While this law is by far nothing new, because the Universe is the designer and it has been in operation since the dawning of creation. We are seeing on a global scale, the infinite power contained within this law and I suspect, it has and is being used to direct the thoughts of those who are unconscious of its ability to deliver whatever one focuses their thought on (given the correct application) into a world that is of their design and desire. There is also very good evidence to suggest that a large portion of the "2012 shift" relates to our awakening into a scientifically based realization that we are fully able on a global scale, to transform this planet into one that the majority of the Earth's inhabitants would call heaven. The amazing point in the Law of Attraction is that all physical manifestations are first birthed by emotions, then thought. This does make sense as emotions are really energy-in motion. In the purest way, when thought is intensely and passionately focused its essence coalesces into our reality. Finally, the speed at which thoughts physically are transformed into existence in our reality is determined by the level of agreement without doubts or conflicting beliefs to the contrary, and the proportionate level of emotional energy present. All these elements must be a match with each other and flow effortlessly in your life to have full effect. Yes, it can be a fine balance to effectively and knowingly use the Law of Attraction and it presently requires our physical interaction to follow through with a higher level of active intuition to move things forward in their proper direction. This is never done in a forceful manner. In fact, the true full power is all in the balancing of our thoughts, emotions, and burning desire without any internal conflict for that which we want to create. The Law of Attraction is always at work, so be a deliberate creator and manage and choose thoughts wisely- thoughts eventually become things. Conclusion In the end, we are all willful creators in the world we personally experience and create on both an individual and collective level. There is great life-affirming power contained in these four Laws of Life and when you apply them or rather let them guide you life, those unanswered questions are diminished. It would be wise to remember that now upon Earth there are many co-creative partners all bringing into creation their diversity of beliefs and desires. Soon we will hit a tipping point where as partners we will agree on key provisions that promote life on earth equitably rather than destroy life while maintaining an ever expanding universe governed by free-will. "Ask and ye shall receive" What many do not understand while attempting to apply this law, it that your conscious AND subconscious thoughts each play a significant role in the speed at which the desired outcome appears. The Law of Cause and Effect are not far removed from the Law of Attraction. Both are similar laws, just like the two conscious and subconscious minds are involved, both laws operate in harmony with each other. You can apply the creation power encapsulated in this law by the very act of become a deliberate thinker. Emotions that surround thoughts are the primary indicator of what you're beginning to create and will eventually show up in your life. This emotional component is a wonderful tool that is indispensable in knowing the direction and eventual outcome of what you are inviting into your life. There is responsibility associated with wielding this law in unnatural, manipulative ways. The universe does not judge nor filter end results of what is delivered. In time, you will always receive the essence of your thoughts. And just like the non-instantaneous manifestation of thought-forms in operation within the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Attraction provides a built-in, indisputable guidance system in the form of emotions. Be aware of how your thoughts make you feel when focusing on that which you want to create. When those thoughts feel good, you are in agreement with your desire and intentions; when feelings do not feel so good, re-direct your thought back into a better feeling thought. In doing so, emotional energy remains amplified in the direction of your desire.

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