
Monday, October 2, 2017

The Rebirth

The Rebirth

Another new moon in a thousand years of new moons
Having lived from the very beginning, yet beyond my time
Fighting our greatest battles in our darkest hours
There’s no beginning, no ending, there’s only a coming
I have lived a thousand years and will live a thousand more
How much of me is me, am I really me?
Each day I have garbs of purity and darkness
Treading that same paths on iron horse
Like a fool daring paths where angels fear to tread
For the sole purpose of serving them their purpose
Underneath that garb I’ve skin.
Though I’ve skin to cover my thoughts
Piles and piles of skin
Of lexicons and scribbles
Of cherished gurus in living memory and memory past
And hours spent in solemn solitude of wild thoughts and imbibitions
For to such desires burn and fingers itch waiting for the darkest hour
But that matters not.
The things that my fingers do in the dark two hours of silence,
Strands of inks of blue black and red that quench your curiosity
Lines of syllogism that quake your head in concurrism
And such characters of A-F that finely fits the blanks of your spirit
That’s all that matter and subconsciously I crave but one.
What if all I do is crack windows open to see light through the cloud
What if all I crave is the rush of fresh air through my face
What if my orders come through a code of silence?
To set me a paradise of thorny free roses
To die and live not to die again
And trail the shadows of the moon to the green garden
For in the FLAW of EBSU I’ve died leaving and living never to die again!



This is a reflection of the  author’s experience in the university days. At the beginning of the poem he explains the year 2012 when he was given admission to study law in Ebonyi  state university, but to his greatest surprise his expectations were turned down. He recounted that  has spent thousands of years fighting what he called battle which is done in the interval of two hours. this battle is the examination which is always very tough even though poet always  conquer at the end of every semester with varieties of grades which longs for all but not one which ‘’F’’being one of the grades. The nature of the road was captured when the poet said ‘’ Treading that same paths on iron horse.’’ The road to the faculty is rough, no cab for a lift. He also compared the road with that which the angels cannot walk to depict the nature of the bad road he walks through every day to school from the school gate. Notwithstanding he has skin which is the shoe he wears to school every day but the concrete on road piles the shoe by making it not to last long.
 The poet in this statement ‘’ Each day I have garbs of purity and darkness ‘’ made reference to the black and white uniform of lawyer and law student which is his everyday dress code. But in all he graduated successfully, that is the line where he said ‘’ To set me a paradise of thorny free roses’’ it was really a difficult journey but he conquered at the end.

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